Inspiring and equipping God’s church to be welcoming and accessible to all, especially those who are so often marginalised by society and even the church because of learning disability.

How about a holiday in France?


Bookings are open for the Count Everyone In week 2 – 9 June with Spring Harvest Holidays at Le Pas Opton, in the beautiful Vendée region. It’s for adults with learning disabilities, their families and/or support staff. We stay in luxury self-catering mobile homes and there’s a coffee shop, heated outdoor pool, indoor and outdoor games facilities, and a celebration for everyone each evening. CEI runs daily accessible celebrations and leisure activities whilst their families and staff enjoy the optional morning Bible studies, the LPO programme or simply relax in the lovely surroundings. In the evenings there’s even more to enjoy!

 To find out more, contact Christine at Bookings should be made directly with –  it’s best to phone their Customer Service Team on 01825 748318 to obtain 15% discount for groups that include adults with learning disabilities who book a mobile home.


An exhibition stand showing CEI resources
A selection of CEI booklets for sale

Resources from CEI


Order your 2025 calendar here!


Pictures painted by one of our trustees, Maryanne Stanley.

12 different pictures and Bible verses.

£3:00 postage and packing FREE

Order from Christine: or 07751 431277



Undated Bible reading notes, including Bible text, thought and prayer each day:-

  • Who is Jesus? – 14 days £2.50
  • Jesus returns to heaven and what happened next – 14 days £2.50
  • The Holy Spirit – 7 days by Chrissy Cole £2.50
  • Prayer – 30 days by Keith & Gill Barnard £4.50
  • Christmas is coming – 25 readings for Advent £4.50
  • Easter – 9 days £2.50
  • What is the Gospel? 31 Bible reading notes about this vast subject – £4.50
  • Hope – five Bible reading notes originally written for Virtually Keswick 2020 – £2.00

To order, please email

Don’t forget, we have a wide range of Bible reading notes, ‘Prospects’ worship albums on CD, DVD, MP3 and MP4, teaching resources, t-shirts, polos and hoodies and much more – all available by post or at the summer festivals.
Enquire or order at We add the cost of postage and packing and ask for payment by BACS transfer or cheque (details will be supplied).

    Please get in touch if you would like to book a place or host a workshop for Know & Grow – Longing to Belong, Life Matters or Makaton. See Training page for more information. Check back here for updates and in the meantime stay safe and may our great big God bless you


    Nine songs from Worship for Everyone (Nick and Becky Drake) and Count Everyone In (Janneke Klos) with Makaton signing. Enjoy!
    Click on  Count Everyone In with Worship for Everyone with Makaton signing  and please, like, subscribe, follow and share.




     Our vision is for every church in England and Wales to welcome adults with learning disabilities so that they can know Jesus and grow in him.