Book a workshop for your church or book on to one of those listed below. Email:-
Know & Grow Longing to Belong helps understanding of learning disability, the challenge for churches and how to set up a ministry group for adults
Know & Grow Life Matters includes a look at sexual relationships, mental health, healing, bereavement and more in relation to adults with learning disabilities
Know & Grow Makaton – developed by CEI and the Makaton Charity to provide Christian language signs and symbols as well as eveyday language.
Details and costs of this, and also generic Makaton training from:-

Saturday 15th March – Longing to Belong – St Catharine’s Church,Gloucester
March 15 @ 09:45 - 16:30
£25.00Come and learn how to love and reach out to people with learning disabili0ties in your community. Pete & Christine will inspire and challenge you in this wonderful ministry to people with learning disabilities. You will have fun as well as learning useful and practical skills that will impact your church.
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